Ocean Outdoor

A beautiful international website for a specialist media company

Ocean Outdoor is a specialist media company that manages global billboard and digital screen real estate. They manage some of the most iconic landmark advertising locations worldwide.

They needed an international website that would enable their clients to build their own advertising packages in 7 different locations and languages.


Lead time:
9 Months
Target Type:
Website Goal:
Create a flexible platform for growth that will enable the Ocean Team and deliver a new look & feel
Web Design, Web Development, International Targeting, WordPress, Digital Marketing, Content Entry

The challenge

Ocean Outdoor challenged us to deliver a modern new website that provided a clean interface for their clients to browse advertising spaces and build Collections.

The client needed a website that would enable their large team to consistently create content with an intuitive CMS. The website needed to be flexible, scalable and enable their marketing team.

  • 1 x UX & UI Designer
  • 1 x Website Designer
  • 1 x WordPress Developer
  • 1 x Backend Developer
  • 1 x Quality Assurance Tester
  • 1 x Project Manager
  • 1 x SEO Strategist

The website

The client was looking for an elegant website design that was effortlessly beautiful and high quality. Our designers created a clean design that enabled Ocean’s products and services to shine through.

To simplify the complex user flows on Ocean’s website, our UX design team mapped out new user journeys and page structures to deliver a quality user experience that enabled Ocean’s customers to self-serve and explore advertising spaces.

International targeting

We delivered a multi-territory WordPress website that enables Ocean to deliver regional content and messaging, and targeted regional SEO strategies to deliver the best user experiences and performance outcomes for the website. The website targets 7 global territories in multiple languages.


+ 1 7
target territories

Collections builder

Ocean’s clients can browse millions of advertising locations on the website and build them into Collections. Collections work similarly to a wish list where users can save advertising locations into different Collections lists and share their lists with colleagues and clients. Users can also browse networks of locations that are frequently bought together.

Ocean Outdoor receives a copy of each Collection that is created and the associated contact details to help provide a high level of customer service to prospective customers.

Data visualisations

We delivered an engaging way to visualise data and charts to showcase the demographic data of Ocean’s advertising locations and the people who walk by the locations. Our developers integrated with Columbus, Ocean Outdoor’s custom API, to retrieve the data and display it in a beautiful way online.

SEO strategy

Having never previously explored SEO as a marketing channel for the business, opening up an organic traffic channel was a huge opportunity for Ocean.

We worked with Ocean’s marketing team to deliver a strategy that was tailored to their business and offering. Our goal was to attract prospective new clients from search engines by increasing Ocean’s rankings and making them more discoverable for non-branded search terms.


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A headless website for a betting platform

Smarkets is a betting exchange that specialises in sports. They were ready to launch a sports news platform to engage customers and attract new visitors.


Lead time:
12 Weeks
Target Type:
Website Goal:
Launch a content focused website to attract and engage their audience
Web Design, Web Development, Headless Website, Digital Marketing

“They’re one of the better agencies I’ve ever worked with. So far, our website traffic is up and continues to grow considerably. Their team has exceeded our expectations.”

Adam Baylis, Marketing Director, Smarkets

The challenge

Smarkets challenged us to deliver a secure news platform where they could publish large amounts of content. The goal of the platform was to attract and engage their audience and improve brand awareness.

SEO was a huge focus for Smarkets and they wanted to generate high levels of organic traffic with the new website. As a brand new website, we needed to collaborate with Smarkets to implement a marketing strategy that would enable the site to build authority, increase their domain authority (ability to rank) and generate organic and social traffic.

  • 1 x Website Designer
  • 1 x Website Developer
  • 1 x Quality Assurance Tester
  • 1 x Project Manager
  • 1 x SEO Strategist

The website

We delivered a high performance headless website for Smarkets that statically publishes content to achieve the best speed, security and cross-device user experiences. This means that the front-end interface of the website that visitors see is a static version of the site that is entirely separate to the CMS.

We leveraged Smarket’s custom CMS platform to create a content platform that the Marketing team could use to connect with their audience.

SEO strategy

Starting from scratch with a new website and domain, Smarkets had a challenge ahead of them to build their repetitional metrics, begin ranking in search engines and generate inbound traffic.

We delivered an SEO strategy that defined content pillars and categories that could be optimised across the website to attract and grow organic traffic. Our strategy dovetailed with Smarkets’ content strategy and ensured that both the work streams supported the other rather than competed.


The architecture

Before any design work had been undertaken, our UX designers created wireframe layouts of the website to plan the content structure and user flows throughout the site. We created article hierarchies and featured article components to direct the user journeys and enable Smarkets to promote popular content.


Our team produced a set of online calculators to help users calculate betting odds and convert bets. The calculators linked to Smarket’s betting platform and to relevant articles throughout the site. These became popular resources that attracted users to the site.

Publishing workflows

To enable Smarkets to efficiently produce and publish content, we collaborated with their team to implement a publishing workflow in the CMS. We created custom user roles to cover the users within their system, including content writers, journalists, editors, guest editors, publishers and so on, to provide the right users with the right permissions level for Smarket’s content approval process.



Trusted Smarkets partners

In addition to the work delivered on the Smarkets website, we have also collaborated with the Smarkets team on 2 of their other brands: OddsIndex and SBK.


OddsIndex is a US based betting platform that enables its customers to find and compare the best odds from market leading betting providers.

We created a new brand, website design and user experience for the business.

Find out more


SBK is a sports betting app that offers the best odds on the biggest sport events.

We delivered a new brand, content hub and landing page campaign for the business.

Vision Radiology

A modern website & brand for a global tele-radiology practice

Vision Radiology is a tele-radiography practice that leverages timezones to rapidly increase turnaround times for scan interpretations and consultations.

They wanted to increase their visibility to get in front of more prospective clients and employees.

Lead time:
4 Months
Target Type:
B2B & B2C
Website Goal:
Increase visibility & Modernise the website
Branding, Web Design, Web Development, Digital Marketing
healthcare website homepage
  • 1 x Brand Designer
  • 1 x Digital Strategist
  • 1 x Website Designer
  • 1 x Website Developer
  • 1 x Quality Assurance Tester
  • 1 x Project Manager

The challenge

Vision Radiology’s previous website and brand were dated and didn’t reflect the practice. Their Marketing team was struggling to make simple changes and lacked a consistent brand to produce new assets.

They challenged us to deliver a flexible new website that would enable them to manage their content, move quickly, and appeal to their target audience.

To achieve their objectives, they recognised that they needed a new brand, website and digital strategy.

View site

Healthcare website design and development
Healthcare web design

The brand

When Vision Radiology first approached us, they had a basic brand that lacked depth and overused stock photography. The nature of having a remote team meant that they had very little photography to use which was limiting their design capabilities.

We delivered a flexible brand identity that incorporated a broader colour palette with primary and secondary colours. We introduced new shape and form into the brand, creating depth and providing visual interest in place of imagery. This approach also enabled Vision to use stock photography in a way that was on-brand and didn’t look like stock imagery.

In addition to the colour palette and imagery, we also evolved the logo and typography.

The website

We utilised the updated brand to create a modern new website design that represented Vision Radiology to prospective clients and employees. Our designers placed people at the centre of the design to visually represent the approachable and personable qualities of Vision Radiology.

We delivered the new website in WordPress to to provide easy content management and a high quality code base for future growth.

medical website design
Mobile design of healthcare website

SEO strategy

Our Marketing team undertook keyword research and selected target keywords that Vision Radiology could compete and rank for in search engines. We optimised the website in line with the new strategy and trained Vision’s Marketing team how to optimise new website content.

Our SEO strategy enabled Vision Radiology to increase their visibility in search engines and be found by more prospective clients and employees.


“Working with Plug & Play was a great experience. I came into the project after it started, and they quickly got me up to speed. The website looks great, and they were instrumental in completing this project on time. I would highly recommend Plug & Play.”

Robin Swanson, Marketing Manager, Vision Radiology

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Increasing lead generation for a life science technology company

Volition is a multinational life science company that develops technology to diagnose and monitor a range of diseases in humans and animals. Their technology sets them apart as industry leaders, providing kits to a wide spectrum of audiences from medical specialists to individual pet owners.

Our challenge was to deliver a new website that targeted each key audience type, encouraging them to make an enquiry or visit Volition’s distributor sites to purchase their own kits.

Lead time:
4 Months
Life Sciences
Target Type:
B2B & B2C
Website Goal:
Increase awareness of their technology & generate new leads
Web Design, Web Development, Digital Marketing
  • 1 x Digital Strategist
  • 1 x Website Designer
  • 1 x Website Developer
  • 1 x Quality Assurance Tester
  • 1 x Project Manager

The challenge

Volition’s main challenge was how they could engage and educate website visitors in the science behind their technology. They needed their new website to attract new visitors, be more visible, and deliver their key messaging in an engaging way. 

The client challenged us to deliver a fresh design that showcased their products and worked as a marketing tool for the business.

View site

The website

We utilised the digital strategy created by our marketing team to inform the new page hierarchy and landing page structure. By combining UX design and marketing insights, we produced the best user experience and SEO performance for Volition. We implemented a clean and user friendly navigation to ensure that content is accessible and that users are guided through to conversion.

Our designers evolved Volition’s visual brand to create the impact and flexibility required for the new website design. We utilised the bright sub-brand colours to categorise content and designed a clear navigation to encourage users to land on relevant content. 

As part of the wider project, we merged 2 domains into 1 new website. We implemented SEO and design best practice during this process to retain and grow keyword rankings from both domains. 


Marketing & SEO strategy

One of Volition’s key complaints with their previous website was the high bounce rate. They were losing a huge percentage of the traffic they attracted and couldn’t pinpoint what was driving the issue – was it the website, the keywords they ranked for, or their messaging?

Our Digital Strategist identified that the content on their old website exclusively catered to users who already knew Volition’s product. Therefore, users who had a problem but didn’t know Volition’s product name became lost leads, which was one factor impacting bounce rates across the site. 

We recommended taking a solution-focused approach on the new website. We developed a new site structure and keyword groups that were built to support Volition’s wider goals – increasing leads and reducing high bounce rates.

Improving keyword rankings and generating higher levels of organic traffic to the website was important to the success of the project. Therefore, taking a joined up approach with the SEO strategy, on page experience and messaging was critical to ensure that Volition benefited from the full impact of the improved rankings.

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Noa Recruitment

A new brand and website for a rapidly growing recruitment agent

Noa is a recruitment agency that specialises in the technology sector. They needed a new website to increase their online visibility and attract new clients and candidates.

Lead time:
3 Months
Target Type:
B2B & B2C
Website Goal:
Create an elevated design, increase visibility & attract new clients and candidates
Brand, Web Design, Web Development, Digital Marketing
  • 1 x Digital Strategist
  • 1 x Website Designer
  • 1 x WordPress Developer
  • 1 x Quality Assurance Tester
  • 1 x Project Manager

The challenge

Noa were ready to step up their marketing efforts and needed a new brand, website and marketing strategy to deliver on their objectives. Their existing recruitment website was dated, clunky and didn’t appeal to their target audience. Our challenge was to evolve their brand and create a high performance website that appealed to their clients and candidates. The website needed to be flexible and able to scale with the business.

View site

The brand

Noa’s previous brand was dated and lacked the flexibility to facilitate a high quality digital design. We evolved the brand identity and introduced new colours, typography, shape and imagery. The new brand was implemented within the new website to create a modern and dynamic interface that uses interactive elements and assets to engage users.

Our design team created branded assets for the website design, making use of multi-layered components that combine dynamic brand elements and imagery to support the user journey.

The website

We delivered a high performance website that is built to be fast, engage users and drive conversions. Our designers curated the website structure in line with a digital strategy created by our marketing team. This approach ensures that the website structure supports the SEO objectives and enables users to intuitively navigate.

Our team developed the website in WordPress to provide maximum content dexterity while ensuring that the brand guidelines are easy for Noa to implement as they continue to produce new pages and content on the website.

2 main audiences

The website is structured to target 2 core audiences: clients and candidates.

Website assets

Our design team created dynamic branded assets that combine stock photography and Noa’s new brand. The outcome is a website design that feels unique and engaging.

Logic Melon Integration

We integrated the website with Logic Melon to pull through Noa’s job posts and track candidate engagement.


We colour coded job categories to provide visual cues on job posts.

SEO strategy

As a small recruitment agency with a relatively low competitive position in search engines, Noa needed to be strategic to secure new keyword rankings. We focused on specific job roles and locations to create optimised landing pages that could be found by prospective clients and candidates in search engines. Being specific in this way means that Noa could carve their niche in the market without competing with the huge recruitment agencies with much stronger competitive metrics.

Our strategy provides scope for Noa to continually review their keyword targets and increase their reach as their competitive position grows.

+ 1 659 %
Increase in search engine visibility since launch

In the chart above, blue bars represent positions 1-3 in Google and green bars represents rankings on the rest of page 1.

You can see that rankings immediately began to climb following the new website launch. Assessing Noa’s competitive position and selecting specific keywords that are aligned to their offering has enabled them to outperform larger recruitment agencies in search engines.

“We’re proud to announce that we’ve now launched our brand-new website! 😍

If you’ve used our website before then you’ll know just how much of an improvement we’ve made.”

Noa Recruitment

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Bond Global

173% increase in search engine visibility for a recruitment agency looking to attract high quality new clients

Web Design
Web Development
Digital Strategy

Compass Fostering

A website and marketing strategy to recruit new loving families.

Compass Fostering is an independent fostering agency that provides the highest quality care to children who haven’t had the best start in life.

They asked us to create a new website that would attract new foster parents and enable Compass Fostering to connect new families.

Lead Time:
5 Months
Target Type:
Website Goal:
Create a modern new website with improved visibility & conversion rate
Web Design, Web Development, WordPress, Digital Marketing

The challenge

The Compass Fostering team recognised that their existing website was holding them back. They challenged us to deliver a new website that was modern, dynamic and interactive. With a huge shortage of foster families, they needed to be found by more prospective families and generate enquiries. The brief was to create a design that is approachable, playful and informative.

  • 1 x Website Designer
  • 1 x WordPress Developer
  • 1 x Backend Developer
  • 1 x Quality Assurance Tester
  • 1 x Project Manager
  • 1 x SEO Strategist

Our approach

We used Compass Fostering’s brand to create a fresh website design that our developers coded in WordPress. It provides their marketing team with a flexible platform that they can use to scale their business and support their campaigns.

We introduced a new website structure and intuitive user journeys. Compass have some incredible resources and informational content that was previously buried within the website and rarely accessed by visitors. Our team ensured that content on the new website is accessible and optimised for maximum visibility in search engines.

Our marketing team produced a digital strategy that was pivotal to the success of the website, informing everything from the website structure, design and development, and driving Compass’ overarching goals.

The website

One of Compass Fostering’s greatest challenges was how to deliver a large amount of content to their visitors in a way that was digestible. We achieved this by chunking content and using bold colour blocks from their brand to segment key messages. We use interactive elements to load content in an engaging way that signposts the user journeys.

To deliver the best website, our team evolved the brand to include playful and animated brand elements including underlines, shapes and drawings. We invested time in creating an interaction aesthetic that elevates the design, introducing subtle movement with moving brand shapes in the banners and on hover of call to actions.

View site

Fostering allowance calculator.

We created a calculator to estimate the financial support available to foster families. This tool supports the on-site user experience and is also a fantastic opportunity for Compass Fostering to build reputable links to their website.

The brand

We evolved the existing brand to create an engaging design that looks and feels cohesive.

Informative content

We introduced key information and resources throughout the user journeys to strengthen the user journeys and support prospective foster families.

Application form

We delivered a new application form for Compass Fostering, using UX design to maximise the number of applications

SEO strategy

Compass Fostering had a great opportunity to significantly increase their visibility, enabling more foster families to find them online. Their existing website did a number of things right, but could perform much better with a proper strategy and the implementation of SEO, code and performance best practice.

Our marketing specialists reviewed their position in the market and measured the gap between their current rankings and their potential rankings, then created a digital strategy outlining what needed to be done to close the gap and increase keyword rankings.

+ 1 48 %
Increase in keyword visibility
Compass Fostering SEO results chart going up

The chart above shows Compass Fostering’s keyword rankings following the launch of the website. Blue bars represent positions 1-3 in Google, green represents rankings on the rest of page 1, purple represents page 2 rankings.

“Our experience with Plug and Play developing a new website for Compass Fostering was fantastic from start to finish.

They really took the time to understand our needs and requirements, delivering a detailed report on our old website and everything they thought we could improve upon. The time spent understanding our brand really paid off, and the initial wireframe they delivered hit almost every mark. They then took this and delivered a website that exceeded our expectations.

Gabrielle was fantastic throughout the project, and was quick to solve any of the inevitable snags that arise in any web build! Her communication was invaluable throughout and we appreciate all the work she put into this, alongside the wider P&P team.

We’ve already seen an uplift in SEO performance which shows the impact that having a well built website can have.

We’re looking forward to collaborating on more projects with Plug and Play!”

Nathan Greenhalgh, Group Marketing Manager, Compass Fostering

Related work

John Cullen Lighting

A new website and marketing strategy for an architectural lighting specialist.

John Cullen Lighting is an architectural lighting company that specialises in discrete luxury lighting. They needed a new website to elevate their presence online and generate new business.

We delivered a new website including a browsable product catalogue, alongside a digital strategy to improve the visibility of the website in search engines.

Lead Time:
6 Months
Lighting & Design
Target Type:
B2B & B2C
Website Goal:
Improve visibility & user experience
Web Design, Web Development, WordPress, Digital Marketing

The challenge

John Cullen Lighting were ready to invest in a website that would become a marketing tool for the business, attracting and converting customers from search engines.

They challenged us to deliver a modern design that was visual, dynamic and used copy in an engaging and editorial way.

  • Adobe XD Wireframe Prototypes
  • Adobe XD Design Prototypes
  • WordPress Development
  • SEO Strategy
  • Product Catalogue
  • PIM Integration
  • Spotler Integration
  • Search Function
  • Multi-territory & International Setup
  • Content Migration
  • 1 x Website Designer
  • 1 x WordPress Developer
  • 1 x Backend Developer
  • 1 x Quality Assurance Tester
  • 1 x Project Manager
  • 1 x SEO Strategist

The website

We delivered a WordPress website that provides the John Cullen team with the marketing dexterity they need to support their campaigns. The website is dynamic and includes interactive animations as the user scrolls.

John Cullen’s products are at the heart of their business and the website offers a platform for them to be showcased. Products can be featured and linked within images, providing inspiration of how products can be used while also driving sales.

Our team integrated the website with the client’s PIM (Product Information Manager) and their marketing platform, Spotler, which provides consistency of product data and enables John Cullen to engage with their customers in a new way.

View site


The menu provides a flexible structure to navigate users to deep website content and products.

Product filters

We implemented a product filtering function to enable products to be showcased throughout the website.

Product pages

We created immersive product pages that utilise imagery and animation to elevate the user experience. These pages balance visual and technical content and intelligently manage data tables and downloads.

Digital strategy

Our team collaborated with John Cullen to create and implement a keyword strategy that would enable more prospective clients to find them in search engines. The key was to broaden their keyword range to create a larger market size and increase their potential customer base.

We researched hundreds of keywords and selected those that John Cullen could leverage to improve their website visibility.


Related work

Office of Health Economics

A global website for a publisher in health economics

The Office of Health Economics (OHE) is an independent research organisation and charity that researches and responds to global health challenges. They partner with governments, universities and pharmaceutical companies to support better healthcare policies.

They challenged us to deliver a website that presented them as a leading independent voice in their field. The new site needed to incorporate their new brand and enable them to reach a broader audience.

Lead Time:
4 Months
Health & Economics
Target Type:
Consultants, Charities, Governments & Academics
Website Goal:
Represent the organisation as a premium publisher, Improve engagement & Increase visibility
Web Design, Web Development, WordPress, Digital Marketing
Mobile Screens of Academic Website Design

The challenge

OHE’s new website needed to appeal to a broad audience including consultants, charities, governments and academics. Having undertaken a rebrand, the client was ready to deliver a website that would position them as a premium global publisher and provide greater access to their content.

The new design needed to be authoritative, fresh and market leading. Most importantly, OHE’s research and publications needed to be accessible, sharable and downloadable to generate the maximum engagement.

With the goal of increasing engagement with their content, OHE challenged us to deliver an SEO strategy that would improve their search engine visibility and enable visitors to find their content directly from search engines.

View site

  • 1 x SEO Strategist
  • 1 x Website Designer
  • 1 x WordPress Developer
  • 1 x Backend Developer
  • 1 x Quality Assurance Tester
  • 1 x Project Manager
Designs for OHE's Academic Website
People talking
Screenshot of OHE website

The website

Drawing inspiration from websites like The Economist and The Atlantic, the new website design is clean and fresh with an authoritative news feel.

We developed the website in WordPress and created a deep search facility that enables users to access the vast array of content available on the site quickly and intuitively. The search uses post tagging and categorisation that also feeds a variety of targeted landing pages and user journeys.

+ 1 530 %
Increase in session duration following launch
Publications on academic website
Mobile screens of Office of Health Economics website
OHE Academic web design

Digital strategy

Our marketing strategists assessed a huge range of search terms to identify the keywords that would generate the most success for OHE in search engines. We selected a set of highly relevant keywords and optimised the new website to target them effectively, enabling OHE to increase their search engine visibility and grow their organic traffic.

As a content-led website, OHE had a huge opportunity to secure rankings for high level topics, as well as specific long tail keywords. The OHE website has established a lot of trust over the years and consequently has strong domain metrics. Our team leveraged this advantage, implementing an ambitious strategy that sees OHE successfully competing for some extremely high value keywords.

Not only does the new website showcase OHE as a leader in their field, their digital footprint also puts them side by side with the major industry players.

OHE SEO Results Chart showing keyword improvements

SEO results

The chart above shows OHE’s keyword rankings following the launch of the website. Blue bars represent positions 1-3 in Google, green represents rankings on the rest of page 1, purple represents page 2 rankings and orange shows pages 3-5.

+ 1 25 %
Increase in search engine visibility following launch

“We were delighted to have worked with Plug & Play to design and develop our new website which launched earlier this year.

Our vision was for the OHE site to be a destination for Health Economic research and Plug & Play achieved that with a modern design, easy search and navigation functionality, and a clear user journey throughout the site.

This was all underpinned by the digital strategy developed by their Digital Marketing team, which has seen our average user session durations shoot up from 27 seconds to 2 minutes and 23 seconds!”

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Driving business outcomes for a medical recruitment agency.

Zenopa is a recruitment agency that specialises in the commercial side of healthcare, recruiting for roles in pharmaceutical, medical, science, dental and more.

They commissioned our team to deliver a new high performance website and digital strategy, helping them to convert new clients and candidates online.

Lead Time:
5 Months
Target Type:
B2B & B2C
Website Goal:
Increase website visibility, design & performance
Web Design, Web Development, WordPress, Digital Marketing, Integrations

The challenge

The Zenopa website had expanded over time, becoming difficult for users to navigate and find information. They needed a complete recruitment website overhaul, with a focus on restructuring the website architecture and content hierarchy to increase the accessibility of content and improve the user experience.

With 2 key visitors: Candidates and Employers, the website needed to branch the user journeys and lead each user type to the relevant conversion point on the website.

As part of the new website project, Zenopa’s marketing team were keen to invest in their digital marketing footprint to increase their visibility in search engines and be found by more prospective candidates and clients.

  • 1 x SEO Strategist
  • 1 x Website Designer
  • 1 x WordPress Developer
  • 1 x Backend Developer
  • 1 x Quality Assurance Tester
  • 1 x Project Manager

The website

We delivered a WordPress website that was integrated with Quarz to pull in Zenopa’s job listings. Our UX team created an intuitive job search to facilitate the candidate user journey and enable them to seamlessly find relevant job listings.

Our design team and digital strategist collaborated to create a content structure that would increase the accessibility of Zenopa’s large amount of deep content, while also supporting the SEO strategy. Our designers utilised breadcrumbs to signpost users and created dynamic content workflows so visitors only see content that is relevant to their selections and location on the website.

The new website is international and specifically targets 4 territories in 3 languages.

View site

International targeting

As a global recruitment agency, Zenopa needed a website that would support their recruitment in 4 different territories and 3 languages.

With best practice international targeting in place, Zenopa’s new website is optimised for SEO, enabling them to rank locally in their target regions and deliver specific messaging and functionality to regional audiences.

Zenopa’s new website is coded in a way that provides a foundation for future expansion. They have the digital infrastructure in place to support expansion to new markets in the future.

Gated content

We created gated content to capture engaged leads for the business.

A personal approach

Team profiles can be connected to content throughout the site to provide contact details relevant to specific job roles and content.

Brand development

We expanded Zenopa’s existing brand, introducing new shape, form and a broader colour palette. This provided greater depth for the website design.

Digital strategy

We researched hundreds of keywords that were relevant to Zenopa’s business and services. Our team analysed the data and selected target keywords that Zenopa had a statistical chance of ranking for in search engines.

Zenopa had strong domain metrics which enabled us to aim high in the strategy and target high value and high search volume keywords that generate new business for the agency.

The strategy fed directly into the website design and development, with all 3 teams working together to create an optimised and high performance website.

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Website design for a carbon removal innovator

UNDO pioneer carbon removal and capture large quantities of Carbon Dioxide from the atmosphere. The business is rapidly growing and has been spotlighted in the media as a true innovator in environmental technology.

They challenged us to deliver a new website design that would showcase their work and capture public attention.

Lead time:
3 Months
Carbon Reduction
Target Type:
Website Goal:
Refresh the Design, Create an Engaging User Experience
Website Design, Digital Marketing

The challenge

UNDO commissioned us to deliver a fresh website design that captured the spirit of the business and what they were trying to achieve. Passionate about the environment, their website needed to reflect their values while achieving a high quality and professional finish.

Our approach

We created a new design system for UNDO, expanding their digital brand to create a flexible website design. Our team designed a set of branded website components that could be coded and used by UNDO’s team to continue to grow and scale the website.

The final website is authoritative, approachable and modern. It draws on natural imagery and earth tones to create an emotional connection with visitors.

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  • User Journey Mapping
  • Figma Wireframe Prototypes
  • Figma Design Prototypes
  • Branded Assets
  • 1 x UX Designer
  • 1 x Website Designer
  • 1 x Project Manager

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