20th April 10.30am - 11.30am

Riding the storm: How to win more clients and candidates

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Find out how other successful agencies get disproportionate market penetration compared to business size.

This free webinar will explore how you can leverage your website & marketing to attract and convert clients & candidates. We’ll discuss effective marketing strategies for recruitment agencies and provide practical guidance for marketing teams.

  • How Google works
  • Search Engine Optimisation and keyword selection
  • Using a Customer Acquisition Cost Model
  • Conversion Rate Optimisation: how does your agency measure up?
  • Real agency examples of marketing strategy implementation
  • How to benchmark your performance against other recruitment agencies

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Your presenter

As the founder of Plug & Play, Peter Richman has been delivering high performance marketing strategies to the recruitment industry for over 15 years.

Focusing on conversion design and key performance metrics, his team collaborate with Marketing Managers to enable internal marketing teams and accelerate business growth.

“Can I take you back with me and keep you in my desk drawer?”

Delegate, Marketing Summit

Sign Up

Join us Thursday 20th April at 10.30am for our free webinar on the How to Win More Clients and Candidates.