
A bold new website for a top talent recruiting platform.

Tempo’s platform connects employers directly with job seekers, using video applications to disrupt the recruitment sector and offer an alternative to traditional recruitment processes.

Lead time:
4 months
Target Type:
B2C and B2B
Employers and Job Seekers
Website Goals:
Drive Sign Ups, User Friendly CMS
Web Design, Web Development
  • 1 x Project Manager
  • 1 x Digital Marketing Specialist
  • 1 x Website Designer
  • 1 x Front-end Programmer
  • 1 x Back-end Programmer
  • 1 x Quality Assurance Tester
Tempo Mobile Homepage Tempo Mobile Menu Tempo Mobile Sign Up call to action
Tempo Mobile Testimonial Tempo Mobile Create an Account sign up page About Us Tempo Mobile Page

Our approach

We delivered a bright and playful recruitment website to showcase Tempo’s vibrant brand. We achieved this by mapping optimised user journeys for employers and applicants, introducing interactive touch points to maximise user engagement and sign ups.

View site

Tempo Desktop Homepage Screenshot

Clear user flows

Call to actions are used to ensure users are presented with the most relevant content.

Tempo Desktop Get Hired Banner

Custom animations

Playful animations are used throughout the website to reflect the energy and vibrancy of the company.

Candidate Sign up Form for Tempo

Sign ups

Employers and job seekers are presented with different sign up forms to provide a clear conversion point for each user flow.

A flexible CMS

The end user experience was paramount to Tempo, however they also needed to improve the user experience for their own team. Their existing website was restrictive and the team struggled to make simple content changes without IT support. This was slowing down their progress and causing frustration across departments.

As part of the rebuild, we implemented a user friendly custom WordPress CMS to provide the marketing team with autonomy over their website content and page layouts. Enabling the team with a flexible CMS has helped them to be more efficient, reduce lead time for campaigns and relieve unnecessary pressure on their IT team.

Tempo Loading Animation

Implementing the brand

We worked closely with Tempo’s Head of Design to integrate their strong brand into all elements of the user journey. This included the creation of eye catching interactive components to highlight key call to actions and guide the user through their user flow. The assets needed to work together with the content to create a memorable on-site experience.

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