With tablets on the rise, the number of the older people using the internet regularly has majorly increased according to a new report from Ofcom.
The Adults’ Media Use and Attitudes Report 2014 has revealed that tablet usage amongst older generations (65-74 years) has more than tripled from the period of 2012 to 2013, from 5% to 17%.
The proportion of over 65 year olds accessing the web has increased by a whopping 42%, up 27% year on year.
Ofcom found that this group were using the internet for online activities such as browsing websites and using emails, and generally stayed away from other online activities such as banking and gaming.
The report states that over 65s spent an average of 9 hours and 12 minutes a week using the internet, unsurprisingly the younger generation spend a whole day out of the week surfing the internet, an average of 24 hours and 12 minutes online.
Although desktop computers and laptops are the most popular way to access the internet, almost 30% of all adults also use a tablet to go online.