Peter Richman

Drawing on over 18 years of experience in Marketing and Business Strategy, Peter delivers passionate and thought provoking talks on the digital opportunities that are available to ambitious businesses.

He offers an honest and fresh perspective on business challenges and leans into his learned experience to demonstrate best practice. In his own words: ‘I know hundreds of ways that this shouldn’t be done – I learned them the hard way.’

Peter Richman
award for web design london
Drum design award logo for web design london

Peter speaks about Marketing and Business Strategy, specifically focusing on how businesses can grow their revenue using beautiful design, technology, insights and strategy.


– Website and brand strategy and how businesses can leverage the knowledge and skills they already have to accelerate their performance
– Internationalising and growing digital footprints in new territories
– Growing a business and overcoming adversity

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Previous talks

Riding the Storm: How Recruitment Agencies Can Win More New Clients

Delivered at the Recruitment Agency Expo in London

Is it time to go Headless with Shopify?

Recorded content

How to increase new leads with a website strategy

Delivered at Construction Week UK

“Can I take you back with me and keep you in my desk drawer?”

Delegate, Marketing in Construction Summit

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